Welcome to the Bahá’í community of Pitt County, North carolina

“Ye dwell in one world, and have been created through the operation of one Will. Blessed is he who mingleth with all men in a spirit of utmost kindliness and love.” — Bahá'u'lláh

Bahá’ís believe the crucial need facing humanity is to find a unifying vision of the future of society and of the nature and purpose of life. Such a vision unfolds in the writings of Bahá’u’lláh:

“The oneness of humanity is far more than a slogan or an abstract and unattainable ideal. It has profound implications for both personal behavior and for the way society is organized ― challenging many current assumptions and revolutionizing our conceptions of the relationships that should exist between the individual, society, and its institutions.”

Click on the video for a brief introduction about the Bahá’í Faith and how Bahá’ís are working to contribute to the advancement of our communities.