Community gatherings and projects

Devotional gatherings

Join us Saturday mornings at 10:30AM for a devotional hosted by Dan Tennant. This is an opportunity to share interfaith writings of religious leaders and philosophers, as well as prayers, poetry, art, and music in an environment of friendship and love.

In addition to being held in-person in Greenville, Dan has set up a Zoom meeting room for all those who would like to join in from home.

This devotional also has a Facebook Group called Arbor Drive Devotional that was formed as an easy way to post links to songs, videos, or other things that were shared during the meeting. Please feel free to join!

Little Free Libraries

We are partnering with Read ENC to keep some frequently-visited little free libraries throughout Greenville stocked. If you have some gently-used books your little ones have outgrown, or you love perusing garage sales and thrift stores and find some children’s books in good condition, please consider either popping them in your nearby little free library or contacting us. We’ll gladly pick them up from you directly or do a “porch pick-up” if that’s more convenient!

“Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.” — The Bahá’í Writings

Ruhi Study Circles

The Ruhi Institute is an educational institution which has released a series of materials that encourage participants to deepen their understanding of the Bahá’í writings and their practical application through study and consultation. Among the questions they explore are how to create environments that put people in contact with the spiritual forces released through prayer and devotion, how to strengthen bonds of friendship and establish meaningful patterns of communication among people of various backgrounds, how to make the education of children an integral part of their community life, and how to maintain an environment that helps young people develop their intellectual and spiritual capacities.

Our local community currently has 1-2 ongoing study circles depending on scheduling. New participants are always welcome!

Ayyám-i-Há service Projects

Ayyám-i-Há is the Bahá’í festival dedicated to joyous fellowship, hospitality, acts of service and generosity, preparation for the Fast, and the giving of gifts. Our community hosts an annual celebration at the end of February during which we engage in a collaborative service project such as putting together bags of personal hygiene kits to stock up the Little Free Pantries around Pitt County. In addition to Ayyám-i-Há, we seek to engage in individual and collective action throughout the year by volunteering with and supporting local nonprofit organizations.

Nineteen day feasts

Monthly Deepenings

Once in every nineteen days, meetings are held in every locality by the Bahá’í community. Known as the “Nineteen Day Feast”, these gatherings serve as the bedrock of Bahá’í community life. Although the Nineteen Day Feast may assume different outward forms in different parts of the world, reflecting the conditions and customs of the local community, its program always includes the reading of prayers, a portion devoted to sharing news and consulting on community affairs, and a portion for socializing and fellowship. The Nineteen Day Feast provides an opportunity for the community to gather and discuss its affairs, and for the Local Spiritual Assembly—the local governing council of the Bahá’í community—to keep abreast of the concerns of the community and strengthen its relationship with it. Consultation at these regular gatherings also creates a space for growing social consciousness to find constructive expression and often leads to the emergence of small groups engaged in action.

Though all are of course welcome at Feasts, it is primarily an opportunity for consultation about administrative matters (such as the local Bahá’í fund, to which only enrolled Bahá’ís may contribute). With that in mind, those who are interested in learning about the Bahá’í Faith or working alongside Bahá’ís for the betterment of our community may prefer to attend other events, such as devotionals, Ruhi study circles, children’s classes, junior youth groups, service projects, and Holy Day celebrations.

On the last Sunday morning of every month, from 10:30-11:30, all who are interested are invited to participate in a study group about a topic that came up in discussion during other gatherings, something the institutions have asked us to study further, or anything else that feels pertinent. Suggestions for topics are always welcome!

“Immerse yourselves in the ocean of My words, that ye may unravel its secrets, and discover all the pearls of wisdom that lie hid in its depths.” — The Bahá’í Writings